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Photo Sharing. For Everyone

We will be shutting down our blog and image sharing services on February 28, 2025. pix.toot.wales (Pixelfed) blogs.toot.wales (WriteFreely) These services are rarely used, but require significant systems administration and content management. For help retrieving an export, or moving servers, email us at help@toot.wales Find a Pixelfed server: https://pixelfed.org/servers Find a WriteFreely server: https://writefreely.org/instances


  1. No content illegal in the UK, the EU, or the USA, or content that contravenes our Code of Conduct.
  2. No discrimination against family status, gender, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, language, age, ability, race, ethnicity, caste, national origin, socioeconomic status, religion, geographic location, or any other dimension of diversity.
  3. No inauthentic activity, spam, uncurated bots, trolling, doxxing.

For more information, please review our Terms of Use

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2,851 people have shared 194,931 photos and videos on pix.toot.wales!